Monday, January 16, 2006

Let Them Run the Show, Thousands of Years Have Proven Our Inability

          I don’t know if you dear readers are aware of it or if you care, but in the past few months the number of women in the position of elected head of state has gone up, to my knowledge, by three.  There is Angela Merkel, the new Chanceler of Germany.  Then we have Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, he new president-elect in Liberia.  Thirdly we have the president-elect in Chile, a Michelle Bechelet .  These latter two women are firsts.  President Johnson-Sirleaf is the first woman to be voted into a presidential role in Africa.  Incidentally, Liberia is a country that was founded to give freed slaves from the U.S. a country to call home so it’s interesting that this country, whose name means “Land of Freedom”, would be the first African nation to choose a woman as president.  I’m sure that opponents of her election will say that she only won because her competitor for the post was a footballer (soccer player) with no experience in politics.  This is not the case in Chile, however.  The nation of Chile has just recently elected the first female president of a South American nation.  In a continent where chauvinism isn’t just present, but openly encouraged-by both genders-this is certainly a step in the right direction.  I’m hoping that the United States will follow the examples set by these nations.  I’m hoping that Hillary Clinton runs to replace Georgie Porgie.  If she runs, I wouldn’t be surprised if the warmongers, I mean, republicans will push Condeleeza Rice into the running for them out of fear that women in the country will vote for the woman running even if she is from the “other” party.  This at least would force the issue onto the so-called “minds” of American old boy politicians.  It seems to me that the human world is rushing down the toilet and I figure it couldn’t be worse if women were running the show.  Let’s give them a chance and see if they do better.  They very well might do.  Afterall, they don’t have high standards to beat!  Also, the repression they’ve lived with has given them the strength to excel whereas the men they would compete with in politics have been festering in laziness caused by the protection offered by their corruption.  They’ve been getting away with allowing their minds to atrophy, clinging to out-dated methods of governing.  Times are changing, boys!  Look at history. Try to find a group of people who have been held down by a minority and who haven’t succeeded in overthrowing their oppressors.  I can’t think of a single example…except the American people from about 2000-2006.  But that’s a bit different because things are not as bad there as they could be.  Freedom is only slowly being eaten away by the battery acid of Bush’s regime-driven fear and materialism.  I have hope, though, that the next election will turn the country back toward greatness.  But I digress.

          That’s the post for today.  It’s just a bit of my brand of feminism.  I’m glad there are women being elected.  At least it shows that it’s possible.


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