Thursday, September 22, 2005

What about God?

Shortly after the infamous tsunami washed such a large portion of the coast of southern Asia into the sea, I began hearing that some people wer suggesting that this was God's judgement for a region rife with impropriety and crime. I was shocked. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous. I also couldn't believe that there are still people who think this a way about natural processes. I believe in God and all that, but to think that He's going to use something like a tsunami to kill so many people. I see God as a merciful entity whose love for us can help us and would not condemn so generally-surely there were some decent people in that region!

But the reason I'm thinking of this today is that I just heard about the next hurricane that's going to wipe out one of the most important regions in the American oil production industry. Of course, this one's going to hit Texas-the origin of Geowge Dubbya. This is the second to hit the Gulf in a month. This is the third hurricane, though, or did I miss some news? Anyway, are any of these religious whackos claiming that God is angry with something in the States? Well, I did hear that some of the Muslims here and there around the world said that Allah is getting some revenge.

Why can't people see that these things are just natural processes? The only thing I can say is that I sincerely hope that people are not killed and that you all make it out of there alive. I, for one, don't think this is revenge.


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