Sunday, February 18, 2007

Called off

Sorry to say that the party was called off. But I did venture out to get myself a little farther into debt. Our tv broke down and we had to to go out and buy a new one. Surprisingly, it was the Dear Wife and not I, who pushed for going the extra mile to bring home a 42" plasma screen. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely happy with our decision. it just surprised me that she-the sensible one of the two of us-who was willing to juggle spending on other things in order to plop down the big bucks for a huge and very cool tv.
Last night I couldn't sleep. This happens sometimes, that I close my eyes and lie down (not necesarily in that order) and sleep elludes me. I don't want to make the pregnant woman's night any more difficult so I get up and go downstairs. Last night, I couldn't resist tossing in the Followship of the Ring dvd. It was just like being in a theater except that the seats are more comfortable, the floor isn't sticky, there're no cell phones ringing or teenagers making all kinds of noise. Of course, I didn't have candy or popcorn, but I can sacrafice that for he comfort of my own house! So, now we have somewhere around 2400 hours left of tv life until this new beast give out and we have to go replace it.


Blogger Our Hero, said...

Nei, nei, þú misskilur mig. Ég var hissa að hún vildi kaupa sér stórt sjónvarp vegna þess að það er svo dýrt. Við vorum búin að ræða það að kaupa okkur svona flikki í fyrra en það var neitað af konunni. Nú kemur í ljós að ástæðan var ekki sú sem ég held (nefnilega að það var of dýrt) heldur var það vegna þess ð við áttum sjónvarp (28 tomma) sem var að virka þá.
Hún vill alltaf kaupa sér flotta græjur þegar hún fer út í það að kaupa tæki (fyrir utan ristavélin ljóta og bíl). Við eigum örbylgjuofn og meira að segja örbylgju popp! Svo komdu bara í Vogabíó þegar þú voga sér.

Ég kyssi þessa bumbu á hverju degi, og er venjulega sparkað í mig fyrir vikið! En, í kvöld skal vera auka koss frá þér.

8:51 AM  

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