Tuesday, March 27, 2007

as you may know

As you probably know, our newest baby was born on Saturday. The labor was not quite as long and drawn out as they often are, although it seemed like this one may have been more painful. After about 4 hours of contraction pains at home and at relatively long interval, Inga's water broke. About 44 minutes later, the baby - wet and writhing - was lying on Inga's chest. It took me by surprise. I'm sure she had more understanding of what was going on - having the ability to feel where the baby was. He was 3.425 kg and 52 cm long. He is kinda cute...despite being a newborn. he seems to have character. But he is very hungry!

Monday, March 05, 2007

lack of experience

My friend Halldór's mother died yesterday. He's about my age so his mother couldn't have been very old. She wasn´t sick and didn't get killed by anything obvious. She just didn't wake up. I can't imagine what this is like for him and his family. I have very little experience with dealing with the death of a loved one. I only hope that he and his family can find peace with this in time. I know that most people do eventually figure out a way to move on, but not having gone through it myself I think it must be incredibly difficult. I can't imagine how I will feel when I can no longer just call my dear mother-even though I know that I will have to experience that someday.

My condolences, Halldór.