Is the burkha also Christian?
Yes, it's me again, stirring up the crap...
I was just watching my favorite bigot. I downloaded the third season of All in the Family and have watched the first four episodes. In the episode I was watching a few minutes ago "Gloria and Her Riddle" she quotes the Bible and the quote stopped me in my tracks. I haven't read the whole Bible yet, although I keep meaning to. Anyway, she quotes from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians and what she said inspired me to read the entire verse so as not to get just a little piece of it as phrases taken out of context can often be misleading. The section of the Bible that was quoted was written by the apostle Paul in order to speak out about morality in the context of Christian faith and to answer questions and solve problems based on misunderstanding of that morality. The Bible that I have is the Good News version. I'm not sure how different it is from the King James or any other translation. Mine is in English. The section in question is chapter 11 which talks about covering head in worship. Here, it clearly states that woman is subject to man and man subject to God. A woman disgraces her husband if she prays without her head covered.
So this got me to thinking whether the burkha that some branches of Islam deems necessary for women is really that much different. Once again, I wonder if Muslims are among the last of religious groups to actually practice their faith to the letter.
I was just watching my favorite bigot. I downloaded the third season of All in the Family and have watched the first four episodes. In the episode I was watching a few minutes ago "Gloria and Her Riddle" she quotes the Bible and the quote stopped me in my tracks. I haven't read the whole Bible yet, although I keep meaning to. Anyway, she quotes from Paul's first letter to the Corinthians and what she said inspired me to read the entire verse so as not to get just a little piece of it as phrases taken out of context can often be misleading. The section of the Bible that was quoted was written by the apostle Paul in order to speak out about morality in the context of Christian faith and to answer questions and solve problems based on misunderstanding of that morality. The Bible that I have is the Good News version. I'm not sure how different it is from the King James or any other translation. Mine is in English. The section in question is chapter 11 which talks about covering head in worship. Here, it clearly states that woman is subject to man and man subject to God. A woman disgraces her husband if she prays without her head covered.
So this got me to thinking whether the burkha that some branches of Islam deems necessary for women is really that much different. Once again, I wonder if Muslims are among the last of religious groups to actually practice their faith to the letter.