Thursday, April 28, 2005


Okay, so I have now found officially the worst extent of "Patriotism" anyone from my wonderful, though slightly deluded, home country has ever reached. Over there on the right is a link entitled "AmerAca". If you go to that site, bring a large industrial strength barf bag! This guy should be locked away! If that site is not enough, check out the video for the song at (the link righ below "AmerAca"). At least he could have pronounced it properly...but no. I can't say anything else due to the all-ages policy here at Wandering Thoughts. I just thought I might share this bag of two-day-old, been-sittin'-out-in-the-sun excrement with all of you...because I love you.

Fyrir þeim sem tala Íslensku sem lesa þessa síðu, ég vil taka það fram að ég er einginn veginn sammála þennan mann! Mér finnst þetta næst um því móðgandi lag og mig langar að senda honum til Íraks til að leita að jarðsprengjum! Þessi fávíti er gott...nei besta dæmi um fólkið sem ég var að flýja þegar ég ákvað að flytja burt frá bandaríkjunum. Það versta er að þetta er örygglega #1 á topp10 hjá forsetinu. Með svona hugsun á bak við ríkistrjórn eina leið sem landið getur farið er niður klósettið!


Blogger Our Hero, said...

your welcome for the pics. I'll post more when I have something particularly nice.

The song on the link was absolutely the worst thing I have ever heard. But I've shown it to a few people and in doing so, I've found a lot of humor in it. It's liek the theme song to the movie "Team America"...except this one is not intended to be a joke!

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait are you talking about the original: or the spoof:
The original is a cheezeball ballad I guess about the soldiers or something.
The spoof is with the theme song from Team America (South Park guy does marrionettes) - which I think is pretty funny ass.

8:10 PM  
Blogger Jacqueline said...

oh my god. I liked that with a taste of the 'fuck yeah' afterwards.

1:33 PM  

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