A Late Night Message

Tonight was a lot of fun. I exploited the late Icelandic sunset by working on the fence until 11:00 PM. I got a good bit of it done and it looks really good. Now the fence extends from the rear left corner of the house up the side of the yard and halfway across the front to the driveway. I'm going to post pictures as soon as I'm done, despite the fact that the only people who read this site can just drive over here and see it with their own two eyes. In fact, I don't know why I write in English. I guess it's just more comfortable to me to express myself in my mother-tongue.
Speaking of language, I wrote an e-mail in Spanish yesterday. It was my first try at Spanish in quite some time. You see I got an e-mail from a guy in Brazil and he asked me to respond in Spanish if I could because he hardly understands English. It got me to thinking that I really should raise the ghosts of Spanish from the inner depths. I wonder how many bad memories will accompany that process, though. One that springs to mind immediately is the only time I was ever sent to the principal for fighting when I jumped up and tried to flatten a kid's nose because he had an extremely sharp pencil and spent twenty minutes of class time poking me in the back of the neck with it. Bastard. Anyway, it might also bring some fond memories. I was, afterall, second highest in the class. The only person with higher grades than mine was Amanda Coburn and she was one of the best students in the school. Hmm, I wonder what she is doing now...
I don't really have anything great to say today. I'm just unwinding after a bit of work this evening. I have a glass of Cockburn's Anno LBV 1998 port wine to help me relax. This is pretty good, but a bit too peppery for my taste. A few days ago, we went for dinner to the neighbors' house and had some really good bacon-wrapped pork loin with sweet potatoes, white potatoes and corn. With it was a bottle of Yellowtail merlot from Austrailia. I'd heard the wines from that winery were good and my expectations were not let down with this bottle. It was powerful enough not to be outdone by the bacon, but it didn't kick in the mouth the way some cabernets do.
Maybe it's time to cuddle up next to the lovely wife and get some shuteye. Big day of fencing tomorrow!
Great fence :)
Takk fyrir.
like your fence
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