Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Day After Christmas

Hideeho, it's the day after Christmas and I finally managed to pry my eyeballs off the lap top screen which was displaying Civilization IV all day yesterday.  I stopped once for a little taste of food and coffee (of course), but for the most part I did nothing but sit on my fat pimply behind and squint at my new game.  This new version of the game is far better than the last.  There are very many more options to choose from in running your civ (scientific research, religions, governments, philosophies, improvements, units, etc.) and coupled with an entirely new load of graphics and music it seems to be an entirely different game, loosely based on Civilization III.  I'm not completely happy, though...after all, nothing is perfect.  Production takes longer, it's still overly biased against the human competitor, and it's a little bit less comfortable to move around on the game board.  But these are minor problems.  All in all, I give it 5 stars (of five).  My kids' names were on it and I have thanked them both.Today I get to go to a Christmas party with my good buddy Addi and his family (Inga's good buddy Sigga Ragga, Guðjón's good buddy Almar, and their painfully cute daughter Alba).  The company where Addi works is inviting all of the employees to a party (as is often the norm here in the land where Christmas is, at least, a 13 day affair).  Tomorrow is going to be a day of serious cleaning that will culminate in a, no doubt, fantastic meal with Þórunn, Binni, and Óskar.  They are always great company.  After that, I don't really know what to expect for the rest of my nice long vacation.  But I know I can't spend quite so much time in Civ IV as I did yesterday.  I almost forgot that I had a family yesterday!  I hope that wherever you are, and whatever your religion, you have a great mid-winter holiday season.  Hey, just because you are not Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, doesn't mean that celebrating at this time of year is wrong.  Try to think of the people you know who might be lonely and invite them into your little circle of happiness.  Nobody should be depressed at this time of year.Do my Indian friends have a major holiday at this time of the year?  Time for another web search...

But in this time when we Christians are supposed to be thinking fondly of Jesus and pondering our understanding of faith, I am suddenly reminded of Emo Philips, who prayed:
     Lord please break the laws of the universe for my convenience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first read this line:

Tomorrow is going to be a day of serious cleaning that will culminate in a, no doubt, fantastic meal with Þórunn, Binni, and Óskar.

I thought Þórunn, Binni, and Óskar were three different icelandic dishes that you were going to be eating.

3:09 AM  
Blogger Our Hero, said...

Not quite, but I understand the misunderstanding. However, my friend Dave from South Africa always referred to attractive people as dishes...so, in a way, I guess you could call Þórunn, Binni, and Óskar dishes!

12:07 PM  

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