Friday, December 09, 2005

Some Answers

So, here’s a list of things about me. I stole this from the “Poor Indian Grad Student” who’s linked in my links list. I thought it was an interesting list of qualities. So, I wrote in my own answers. Some of mine were his, as well. Interesting. I sometimes get e-mails like this (as I’m sure most of you do) and I usually answer them, though I don’t usually pass them along because I know a lot of people hate them. But, anyway, maybe you can learn a little bit about me today.

7 things that I plan to do and will do
1.) teach my children to be decent people
2.) travel to Argentina, New Zealand, and again to Costa Rica
3.) succeed at what I set out to do and accept that I am not perfect when I can’t
4.) learn more about Asian and African cultures, cooking, and environmentally friendly living
5.) volunteer more help in my community
6.) not sweat the small stuff. not let people/minor situations ruin my day.
7.) die next to my wife at an old age

7 things that I can do and like doing
1.) identify animals
2.) hike
3.) have intelligent discussions
4.) photography
5.) be good to people I like
6.) cook
7.) do my work and have my fun (without one affecting the other!)

7 things I can't do
1.) lie
2.) do something that doesn't interest me.
3.) talk to/appear to like someone I don't like. be fake
4.) enjoy materialism in all its ugly forms
5.) dance
6.) math
7.) sunbathe

7 phrases I use often
1.) hey dude
2.) don’t worry about it
3.) Actually
4.) What?!..
5.) nigga (only with white people as a joke)
6.) hey
7.) F*** (and it's variants)

7 things I like to eat/drink
1.) plain cheese pizza
2.) root beer
3.) Falafel
4.) leg of lamb
5.) Coffee
6.) Nice wine/beer
7.) Thai food


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Falafel?

1:13 AM  

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