Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Footbag Fetish

Those damned 2nd year students have really ruined me this time.  For the last 6 years or so, I’ve been working very hard at falling out of shape.  What little muscle I had when I was 27 was slowly atrophying away, making room for glorious bags of flabby skin and cellulite.  I noticed the other day that my nipples almost point downward and I look like I’m wearing a baggy sweater that’s tucked in at the waist.  You see, the real reason for this glorious metamorphosis toward being a middle aged man had been kept at bay by an addiction I have. It’s a serious thing that consumes time in huge greasy bites.  There were days when I was in college at Bridgewater when I did nothing but satisfy this addiction, much to the detriment of my grade point average.  I would fall into a zone of concentration and ecstasy that locked out all else and hours would fleet past as so many leaves in a hurricane.  
I am, of course, talking about hacky sack.  One would think that kicking a little leather bean bag would get tiresome after a little while and the lures of personal betterment would dig their claws into my grey matter and command my attention.  But no.  Well, I had gotten over this horrible addiction and moved on with my life.  Of course, I immediately fixated on computer games to waste my time, but hey, that’s what men my age are supposed to do, right?  But these conniving little brats discovered hacky sack and in their usual friendly (and seemingly) harmless way, they invited me out to play.  That was a few days ago.  Now, I’ve fallen off the wagon and I can’t get enough.  I try to read my Ecotoxicology notes and all I see are little footbags bouncing around the page.  My legs won’t stop twitching.  I’m sweaty and feel unclean with this uninvited monkey sitting on my shoulder.  
My dear wife will probably be very grateful to these young adults for getting me back into a presentable shape.  Maybe she’ll stop taking the light bulb out of the socket in the bedroom!  Hmm, on second thought, maybe it’s not so bad that my addiction has been reawakened.  My yearning for just one more attempt at making a successful third hack (that’s when everyone in the circle kicks the damned thing at least once before it hits the ground) might just bring me closer to my beautiful darling wife.  
Now that I think of it this way, I wonder: is it possible that an addiction can be a good thing?  I will just have to see.  School’s almost out for the summer (what am I thinking…I’m graduating!!!).  Then I can take some time to really work myself into a kicking frenzy.
But for now I have to try to rein myself in and study so that I achieve some acceptable grades.


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