Thursday, May 05, 2005

10 Points

I'll give 10 points to anyone who can tell me what I just changed on my site (anyone except Carl because he helped me do it). It's a very small change, but I couldn't figure it out on my own.

Other than that, today was uneventful. I studied evolutionary analysis all day. It's much better to study with Tinna and Guðrún because they can help me decipher all of the Icelandic garble that comes out of Snowbear's mouth. Thanks.

I'd like to make a small list of things that need to be fixed on my car:

1. Hood
2. Windshield
3. Emergency break-or Hand break if you're British
4. Skiptibarkinn-I don't know the English word but it's the connection between the shifter and the transmission in an automatic.

All of these things have a somewhat amusing story behind them, but I have to go to bed so I can get up early to study tomorrow. Good luck to my friends and relatives who are studying something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked over your blog and was unable to figure out what you changed. Is must have been something VERY small. Do I get any points for telling you what "Skiptibarkinn" is in English. I believe it is called "shifter linkage" or just plain "linkage". By the way, I love the quote at the bottom of your site.
"I'd give my right arm to know the secret of regeneration."
-Oscar E. Schotté, 1950

2:01 AM  
Blogger Our Hero, said...

Heh heh, I guess that, at the very least, offering up 10 points to the finder of the small change on my site got someone to go all the way down to the bottom to see the footer. That quote was in my developmental biology book. All of my text books have tried to inject a bit of humor or personality from time to time. Like in my evolutionary analysis book I read this sentence yesterday, "A useful mental trick is to picture random mating happening like this:"
I stopped reading right there because a scene from a porn movie flashed into my head! But the sentence went on, "We take eggs and sperm produced by all the adults in a population, dump them together in a barrel and stir." I'm not kidding. That was a pretty damn gross image. But I have to read this stuff in order to really understand the concepts of the course.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ekkert stig fyrir mig :(

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yellow titles? is that it? is that it? man, I could really use 10 points right now.

That quote is so great.

7:54 PM  

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