Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Well, that could have gone better. I mean, I know I passed and that the grade will probably not be my worst. But I know I should have studied more BEFORE exam time! Why is it that although time flies and has been doing so since I can remember I always end up in trouble because I don't realize how much time is lost? My dear wife is right that I have no sense of time. I can usually guess pretty accurately what time it is if I think about it. But when I'm just living my life and trundling merrily along I don't notice as hours/days/months rush passed like ghosts, unseen. Then, all of a sudden, it's the end of the semester and all those times I thought, "I really have to read chapter 5 tomorrow" add up to three months of not reading chapter 5 or anything thereafter. I usually start off with great intentions. I took fantastic notes from my physiology book until I had gotten somewhere passed the middle of the thing. But for some reason, I always stop working so hard. I always think, "I'll do better next time," and then I don't do that much better. The boredom that overcame me in evolutionary analysis and developmental biology killed my spirit to work. Add to that all the times that I didn't come to school and missed lectures and the wasted time waiting for the bus and you have a recipie for disaster.
But whose fault is all this? Mine. I know, I know. I can scream at the sky "Damn you, Civilization III!" all I want and it still comes down to the fact that I just shouldn't own any computer games. I can't blame the fact that I have a family that needs me to help out from time to time. I admit that I waste most of the time I waste all by myself without anyone's help. Inga's very supportive and tries to push me, but the ambitionless gene is not normal in my DNA (a little joke for those of you who know that Drosophila genes are named after their mutated form).
I will, however, say it again: I'll be more duglegur next semester. Oh sorry, I don't know a really good translation of duglegur...hard-working is the closest I can think of right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry - Be happy.
You'll do it next time.

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I also fall into the category of people who should never own computer games. Every once in a while I am tempted, against my better judgment, to install one on my computer after which I am unable to accomplish anything useful until I remove it. In fact I downloaded a pirated copy of Civilization III and wasted many days attempting to conquer the world. Just thinking about it I am sorely tempted to drop everything I’m doing, install it and ...

1:13 AM  

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