Ah, my dear daughter Dagbjört. Isn't she beautiful? This picture is quite a momentous occasion, though you may not realize it at first glance. You see, I took this picture after watching a fifteen minute long frog chase. Here she is holding the first frog she has ever caught. We went to the Audubon Sanctuary in Ipswich or Topsfield or whatever town it's in and we sa lots of leopard frogs hopping here and there. The kids thought it was just great and Dagbjört set off chasing them to try to catch one. She managed to tire this one out enough that she could catch it and was very proud. It was quite a feat, those little buggers are fast!

Here we are standing with my favorite Dr. Seuss character in Universal Studios Isle of Adventure theme park in Florida. We zipped down there for a few days. It was a lot of fun, not only for the kids!
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