Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Little Lady

Yes, it's almost that time again. My darling wife's age in number is about to become one year greater. That means that she'll be a ripe old 35 and I'll still be a spring chicken of 33 (until September, of course). But despite her advanced state of maturity, she's still sharp as nails, as they say in Texas. And, let me tell ya; she's still got it, ooo mama! So, happy birthday, ástin mín.
The party will be on the actual day of birth: this Saturday, the 8th of April. I'm going to bust my hump in the kitchen all day (one of my favorite activities) to prepare a feast of Mexican and Asian culinary delights for the tastebuds of those few whom she chooses to invite. She's not one for big parties, so, if you're not on the list, don't be too offended.
I nearly filled an A4 sized page with ingredients to buy at the grocery store and I'll probably have to go to two different specialty shops as well, to get everything I want. Sure, I COULD do this easier and cheaper. The original idea was to roast a big turkey with all the trimmings. Easy, peasy, Japanesey...but that's too boring. I've done that several times in the last few months. No, this time I got the bright idea to use the opportunity to try cooking a whole bunch of stuff that I've never tried t odo before. On the menu are things like japanese gyoza, fried rice, Thai fish patties, stir-fried bean sprouts and scallions. I also have some very simple stuff like quesadillas and a nice platter of fresh exotic fruits (well, exotic by Icelandic standards-then again, in the true sense of the word, almost all fruits are exotic here!). Anyway, I'm looking forward to it all.
Mostly, I can't wait to see her reaction to all the good food and good company. It's so much fun to see her enjoy a good evening. She'll laugh-that's a given. Two of her sisters will be here and they are both the type of women who can really entertain. We always have fun when we get together.

But, now I have to stop playing and read some articles so I can hammer the students holding lectures in fish ecology with tough questions! Mwa ha ha ha ha!


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