Monday, January 09, 2006

New Year

Now a new year has begun. I'm sitting in school at the beginning of my last semester. I wonder where I will be at this time next year. It could very well be that I will be in the same chair waiting to start my Master's degree. I could be sitting in another chair peering through optical lenses at a tiny crustacean or something. Who knows? But what is for sure is that I will be working on something I find interesting. Life's too short to do something that one does not find interesting.

On a very different note, my sister in law, Kristjana, was in a terrible car accident this weekend. I hope the best for her speedy recovery and an end of the vicious streak of bad luck that has been tormenting her family for the past few months. She's not got a broken shoulder and shoulder blade (along with other various cuts and bruises) after having slid off the road and rooled down an embankment on an icy street between Eskifjörður and Egilsstaðir. her husband, Pétur, is still trying to return to normal after being folded in half by a two ton bag of fish that fell on him. It's a miracle he survived. Anyway, I hope that their life gets back on track soon and they find happiness and peace.


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