Saturday, February 04, 2006

My Embryonic Prejudice

I’m pissed off.  
          As anyone who’s read this blog from the beginning can tell, I don’t have any great love of many aspects of Western culture or policy.  But I’ve had just about enough all of a sudden.  I hate to admit it, but I am starting to develop a prejudice that I’ve always disliked in other people.  But I have to start at the beginning.
          Back in September a Danish newspaper published some cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammed.  I know that Islam forbids any images of any of the prophets.  What I don’t know is why it got so many Muslims so damn angry that not only do they boycott Danish goods, they have to burn everything Danish that they can get their grubby hands on-from the Danish flag to the Danish embassy in Damascus!  Okay, I’ll allow that the newspaper should have apologized for offending people with the publications, as they did.  But Denmark (following suit with most other Western countries) has a very strong policy of freedom of expression and that includes such actions as drawing pictures of anyone.  So, even though the artists who drew these pictures have to be too affraid of retribution to put their names on the pictures, the paper practised its freedom of expression by publishing the pictures.  Then, because of the action of ONE company-not the Danish people-people in an entirely different country (now several countries) are marching in the streets with guns and torches to burn the Danish (and Norwegian, for some reason) flag and generally protest the freedoms allowed in Denmark.  
     In response to all this protesting by a people who have made suicide bombings a sacrament akin to First Communion in the Catholic church, world leaders have to waste their time getting together to beg forgiveness of a people who have never forgiven anything in their history.  I’m sorry that I am becoming so prejudiced, but it really does appear that WWIII is coming and it’s being brought to us, not by the Western bastards like George W. and his war-crazy cronies (as I had thought would happen) but by the people who in some ways I still think of as victims of the times.  
     After 9/11 I argued with many of my American friends and some of my family as well that it wasn’t right to just go running off to blow up people in Afghanistan.  I was cinvinced of other ulterior motives behind that.  I was and still am even more opposed to the invasion of Iraq.  But as much as I think we should be working toward peace, I think it’s time the Muslims start doing their part.  We allow them into our Western societies and try to give them the freedoms they are looking for but cannot get in their own dictatorships.  Then they turn around and pursecute US for the thing they came to find!  What the fuck?!  
     I know it’s facist, but is there another solution than tossing them all out back to their military dictatorships and pulling our people out of their countries and living in a separated Earth?  i hate the fact that maybe Israel was right about building that damned wall!  I just want ot see peace.  But I sit here and think of a Korn song which ends with a repeated scream, “Would you get the fuck out of my face...NOW!”  Why do we have to bow down to a group of people in another country?  Oh, I know, it’s because if we don’t our innocent civilians will be in danger everytime they get on a bus or a train or a plane.  
     Okay, Muslims were justified in being angry that Israel was carved out of the Middle East.  But the key word there is WERE.  past is past.  You have to at some point move on and try to survive in the world in which you live.  This is the same as if black Americans are still angry about slavery.  We admit that it was wrong.  They have to move on.  They count themselves Americans, not Africans.  That’s why I call them black and not African American.  If anything they are American Africans because they are more American than African.  Most of them cannot trace their roots back to their original country in Africa.  
     The Jewish people are trying to move on.  I’m sure there is still a lot of prejudice toward Germans among the Jewish population of the world, but they are, for the most part doing their best to move on and work with the germans who are alive now.  Why does it seems that Muslims do not have the capacity to do the same?  What’s the big deal with Israel anyway?  If we’re not forgetting the way things were in the past (as the Muslims who want Israel wiped off the map are doing) maybe the Muslims should remember that before the religion of Islam was founded the whole area of the Middle East that is now Israel and Palestine was Jewish.  So, following their own logic, the Palestinians should pack up and hand over the whole Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  I’m sorry, but that’s the way their logic is.  
     This post is making me more and more angry.  I’ve been seeing images of angry Muslims protesting everything that’s happening in the world except the repression of their own leaders for too long.  Every time a Muslim terrorist blows himself up or flies a plane full of people into a building or places several explosive charges on mass transit vehicles a whole bunch of Muslim leaders come on tv and say, “Islam is a religion of peace and love.  These men will not get into Paradise.”  I really want ot belive that.  But it’s hard when I keep hearing that it’s in the mosques that these terrorists meet and get their incentive.  
     I want Muslims to prove me wrong.  I hate this prejudice that’s developing in me.  It seems so cliché.  I can’t side with the American government and many of the American people in their blatant hatred of the “Muslim World”.  That kind of hatred is not a part of who I want to be.  I want the real world to wake up and see that all these divisions create an environment that does not allow peace.
     Maybe freedom and democracy cannot work with human beings running the show and being ruled over. Maybe we are too fickle for that and what we really need is a dictatorship that rules with an iron fist.  I know that would not make me happy, but at least there wouldn’t be so much damn squabbling.  
     My basic message today is that if you want to live in a place freedoms are protected, you cannot protest those very freedoms.  


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