Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Let's Make Peace

It’s been a few days.  I’m still clinging to my hope that this prejudice I’ve been feeling welling up inside me is just a passing sickness.  I think it’s starting to ebb.  But today I saw the images again of children standing on Danish flags (as though they know what they’re protesting) and women holding protest signs in English in countries where most women are not allowed to go to school and men burning flags and buildings and waving guns.  I want peace.  I want Muslims to know that if they’re not trying to force their ways on me I won’t force mine on them.  I oppose the occupations that are going on in Afghanistan and Iraq.  I think Israel should loosen up its hold on Palestine.  But I’m not willing to look the other way while Muslims who live in dictatorships call for the deaths of an entire nation (or nations) of people just because of the actions of a newspaper and for the freedoms that the people in another country have.  


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