Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Dear Boy

Today the Dear Boy returns from his vacation on the east coast with his cousin.  The message I got was that they have been glued together for the last week or so.  It’ll be good to get him home.  The house is so quiet.  Also, it gives me a better excuse to go out to see Ice Age II; there’s something just a little bit creepy about a full-grown man going to a kids’ movie by himself!  

Let’s see, what’s new?  Not too much, really.  I found a complete exoskeleton in the crayfish tank this morning.  The Big Boy is getting bigger.   I really hope he doesn’t decide to eat Little Girl and her young!  I’m not ready to set up a third tank yet.  
More animal news...I saw a golden plover (lóa) the day before yesterday!  For anyone who doesn’t live up here in Iceland with me, tht’s supposed to mean that summer is just around the corner.  However, the snow on the ground outside doesn’t seem to agree.
Still more animal news...Yesterday I went out with the Dear Wife to photograph her school for a web site she’s building.  While we were out there a flock of seagulls that had been sitting on the shore of the little pond next to the school took flight all of a sudden with lots of angry calls as a falcon swooped down at them.  I didn’t really see it very well (the sun was behind it) but it sure looked like the typical Icelandic version of a gyrfalcon.  I can’t say with great certainty that it was in fact a falcon, however...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hæ Eric og gleðilega páska!

Hvernig var í partýinu í gær?

Mig langaði að koma en ég fór á tónleika með Ray Davies í staðinn þar sem ég hafði lagt út 7500 kr. fyrir miða:) Tónleikarnir voru líka brillíant...og hverrar krónu virði.

Kveðja, Ingi

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dear girl/animal news… yesterday while my wife was at the dentist getting a couple of fillings I took Yuri to lunch. A new dog restaurant had opened up in our neighborhood so I treated her to a nice bowl of dog soup. She loved it. Finally I have someone in Kwangju to eat dog with. Ha ha ha.

1:41 PM  
Blogger Our Hero, said...

You're an evil little man, Paul! I know they're not pet dogs that are slaughtered for fun or something. But still, does it really taste that good?

2:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got to tell you, it really is that good. The closest thing I can think of to compare it to is lamb, but the taste is better and it’s tenderer. What’s more it is considered to be very good for your health. Koreans say it is easily digestible and highly nutritious. Actually a lot of older people eat it when their health begins to fail them to increase their strength.

2:51 PM  

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